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Course Catalog

4 courses
Category: webinar
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Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health Series 2024 | All Sessions

FORMAT: Online Webinar
DATE: May 30 & May 31, 2024

This will be a 2-part mini-series ($299), 4 hours each session.

To register for a single session ($179) click the option of your choice below for session 1 or 2:

Course Description 

Do you feel ill-equipped to handle the realities of long-term patient cases? Eager to develop confidence in leading a behavioral health group therapy? Unsure how to fully support LGBTQ and adolescent behavioral health needs? What cultural considerations need to be included when caring for native American health? Do you feel confident advocating for your mental health at work? The seminar hopes to discuss professional practice gaps and increase knowledge of behavioral health practice to improve patient safety and patient outcomes.

What have past participants thought?

“I was impressed with the variety of speakers and experience and I think it was well-oriented and matched my own goals for improvement in my practice as a Public Health Nurse.” 

The speakers you all selected were SO excellent. The topics that were discussed are so relevant to us more than ever. Money well spent! I have enjoyed this session.” 

Target Audience

All registered nurses, graduate nurses, and mental health workers and other healthcare professionals working in a behavioral healthcare setting.

Learning Outcomes 

After this course participants will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an increase in knowledge in current behavioral health practices.
  2. Apply evidence-based behavioral health practices to improve safe patient care and quality outcomes.

Program Schedule

Behavioral Health Series 2024 | Session 1

ZOOM – May 30th, 2024 
Time  Topics  Speaker(s)  
8:00 – 9:00 AM Cultural Consideration in Working with Native Americans   Danica Love Brown, MSW, PhD 
9:10 - 10:10 AM Complicated Discharges Associated with Challenging Behavioral Health Issues  Alysha Thompson, PhD 

Kashi Arora, MPH  

10:20 – 11:20 AM Language and Stigma in Mental Health Rhiann McDonald, BSN, RN, PMH-BC  
11:30 – 12:30 PM Integrated Behavioral Health Programs in Pediatric Primary Care Sophie King, MHA, Laura Morano, RN, BSN, PHN
4 CE    

The schedule may change.

ZOOM – May 31st, 2024 
Time  Topics  Speaker(s)  
8:00 – 9:00 AM LBGTQ and Mental Health Challenges Update  Kate Bautch, MA, EdD
9:10 – 10:10 AM Initiation of Medication-Assisted Therapy in the ER (Rx) Bridget O'Connor, DNP, RN 


10: 20 – 11:20 AM  Challenging Behaviors in Patients with Intellectual Disability: A Special Look through the Lens of Prader Willi Syndrome  Julia Mitzel, ARNP 


11: 30 – 12:30 PM How to Lead a Behavioral Health Group Therapy   Koriann B Cox, PhD  
4 CE      
8 Contact Hours
1 Pharmacology Hours
Preview Course
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health Series 2024 | Session 2

FORMAT: Online Webinar
DATE: Session 2, May 31, 2024 

This will be a 2-part mini-series, 4 hours each session.

To register for the All Sessions or Session 1, click the option of your choice below:

Course Description 

Do you feel ill-equipped to handle the realities of long-term patient cases? Eager to develop confidence in leading a behavioral health group therapy? Unsure how to fully support LGBTQ and adolescent behavioral health needs? What cultural considerations need to be included when caring for native American health? Do you feel confident advocating for your mental health at work? The seminar hopes to discuss professional practice gaps and increase knowledge of behavioral health practice to improve patient safety and patient outcomes.

Target Audience

All registered nurses, graduate nurses, and mental health workers and other healthcare professionals working in a behavioral healthcare setting.

Learning Outcomes 

At the end of the course, participants will have increased knowledge and skills to: 

  1. Demonstrate an increase in knowledge in current behavioral health practices.
  2. Apply evidence-based behavioral health practices to improve safe patient care and quality outcomes.

Program Schedule

ZOOM – May 31st, 2024 
Time  Topics  Speaker(s)  
8:00 – 9:00 AM LBGTQ and Mental Health Challenges Update  Kate Bautch, MA, EdD
9:10 – 10:10 AM Initiation of Medication-Assisted Therapy in the ER (Rx) Bridget O'Connor, DNP, RN 


10: 20 – 11:20 AM  Challenging Behaviors in Patients with Intellectual Disability: A Special Look through the Lens of Prader Willi Syndrome  Julia Mitzel, ARNP 


11: 30 – 12:30 PM How to Lead a Behavioral Health Group Therapy   Koriann B Cox, PhD  
4 CE      
4 Contact Hours
Preview Course
Developing Your Leadership IQ | 6/21/2024

FORMAT: Webinar
DATE: Friday | June 21, 2024

Conference Description

Advance your leadership abilities with this transformative webinar, crafted to enhance the leadership skills of nursing professionals at every career stage. Whether you’re a newly appointed manager striving to inspire your team, an executive looking to further hone your abilities, or a healthcare provider aiming to maximize your influence – this is the program for you.

Through interactive learning methods like breakout groups, discussions, and case studies, you’ll gain confidence in handling conflicts, leveraging emotional intelligence for clear communication, building high-performing teams, and making impactful leadership decisions.

Target Audience

Staff nurses, clinical nurse specialists, nurse managers, preceptors, and healthcare providers in all clinical and academic settings involved in any leadership role.

Learning Outcomes

After this course participants will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate increased emotional intelligence in everyday clinical practice & leadership decision making.
  2. Recognize psychological safety within a workplace with emotionally intelligent leaders.



8:00     Welcome and Overview

8:15      Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Assessment: Part I

9:15      Break

9:25      Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Assessment: Part II

10:25    Break

10:35    Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Assessment: Part III

11:35    Lunch

12:20    Leadership Style: Determining the Type of Leader You Are

1:50      Break

2:00      Effective Communication: Conflict Management

3:00      Break

3:10      Effective Communication: Delivering Feedback

4:10      Wrap Up

4:30      Evaluation and Adjourn

Required Reading

PLEASE NOTE, in order to fully participate in this course, you will need to acquire two books in advance:

1. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves.

The instructors for this course will be referencing this book, as well as the Emotional Intelligence Assessment that is included with the book. We have deducted the cost of the book from the registration fee to accommodate for the purchasing of this e-book.

2. The 8 Dimensions of Leadership. Sugarman, J., Scullard, M., & Wilhelm, E. (2011). The 8 dimensions of leadership. San Francisco. ISBN-13: 978-1605099552

Amy Howells, PhD, ARNP, CPNP-AC/PC

Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC | School of Nursing (
Associate Teaching Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Department, UW School of Nursing; Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Critical Care Department, Seattle Children’s Hospital


7 Contact Hours
Preview Course
Developing Your Leadership IQ | 6/7/2024

FORMAT: Webinar
DATE: Friday | June 7, 2024

Conference Description

Advance your leadership abilities with this transformative webinar, crafted to enhance the leadership skills of nursing professionals at every career stage. Whether you’re a newly appointed manager striving to inspire your team, an executive looking to further hone your abilities, or a healthcare provider aiming to maximize your influence – this is the program for you.

Through interactive learning methods like breakout groups, discussions, and case studies, you’ll gain confidence in handling conflicts, leveraging emotional intelligence for clear communication, building high-performing teams, and making impactful leadership decisions.

Target Audience

Staff nurses, clinical nurse specialists, nurse managers, preceptors, and healthcare providers in all clinical and academic settings involved in any leadership role.

Learning Outcomes

After this course participants will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate increased emotional intelligence in everyday clinical practice & leadership decision making.
  2. Recognize psychological safety within a workplace with emotionally intelligent leaders.



8:00     Welcome and Overview

8:15      Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Assessment: Part I

9:15      Break

9:25      Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Assessment: Part II

10:25    Break

10:35    Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Assessment: Part III

11:35    Lunch

12:20    Leadership Style: Determining the Type of Leader You Are

1:50      Break

2:00      Effective Communication: Conflict Management

3:00      Break

3:10      Effective Communication: Delivering Feedback

4:10      Wrap Up

4:30      Evaluation and Adjourn

Required Reading

PLEASE NOTE, in order to fully participate in this course, you will need to acquire two books in advance:

1. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves.

You must complete the assessment at the end of this book before the start of the course. The instructors for this course will be referencing this book, as well as the Emotional Intelligence Assessment that is included with the book. We have deducted the cost of the book from the registration fee to accommodate for the purchasing of this e-book.

OPTIONAL: The 8 Dimensions of Leadership. Sugarman, J., Scullard, M., & Wilhelm, E. (2011). The 8 dimensions of leadership. San Francisco. ISBN-13: 978-1605099552

Amy Howells, PhD, ARNP, CPNP-AC/PC

Amy Howells, PhD, CPNP-AC/PC | School of Nursing (
Associate Teaching Professor, Child, Family, and Population Health Department, UW School of Nursing; Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Critical Care Department, Seattle Children’s Hospital



7 Contact Hours