UW School of Nursing
April 8, 2022
Neuropsychotropic Drug Therapy 2021 | All Modules
Neuropsychotropic Drug Therapy 2021 | All Modules
On-Demand Program
Course Description
This on-demand program is designed as a neuropsychotropic pharmacology update at the advanced practice level. Sessions focus on current recommendations and controversies regarding drug therapy for common neuropsychiatric health issues and include appropriate pharmacotherapeutic principles and recommendations for patient and family education. Teaching methods include video, PDF handout and case analysis.
Target Audience
For psychiatric nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, nurses, pharmacists and other interested healthcare professionals.
Objectives for Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this program, participants will be better able to:
- Describe risks of untreated depression and anxiety during pregnancy and postpartum for mothers and children.
- To describe the principles of prescribing antidepressants in the perinatal period.
- Understand unique features of psychiatric conditions and their treatment in ASD/DD.
- Know how and why to look for hyperarousal symptoms after chronic stress and trauma.
- Update on Tardive Dyskinesia and its Treatment.
- Describe a comprehensive approach to managing behavioral disturbance in a patient with dementia.
Featured Topics
To register for only one or a few modules, click on the topic:
- Psychopharmacology for Depression During Pregnancy and Postpartum – Amritha Bhat, MBBS, MD, MPH
- Bipolar Depression Psychopharm Update – Ryan Kimmel, MD
- Psychopharmacology for Adults with Autism – Gary Stobbe, MD
- COVID, Chronic Stress and Trauma – Rebecca Hendrickson, MD, PhD
- New Medications in Movement Disorders – Shu-Ching Hu, MD, PhD
- Managing Behavioral Health Needs of Patients with Dementia – Gail Li, MD, PhD