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1. Please verify your completion of this on-demand program. This question is required to receive contact hour credit
Yes, I attest that I completed this on-demand program.
No, I did NOT complete this on-demand program.
2. For your learning needs, how appropriate was the level of content in this course?
Too advanced
Too basic
About right
3. How relevant was the content to your practice? *
Very relevant
Somewhat relevant
Not relevant
4. How well did the course meet its objectives?
4a. Objective 1: Describe the history of wound dressings.
Met very well
Met adequately
Not met
4b. Objective 2: Describe the different dressing categories.
Met very well
Met adequately
Not met
4c. Objective 3: Describe a systematic approach to dressing selection.
Met very well
Met adequately
Not met
5. How much time did it take to complete this course?
Less than 1.5 hours
About 1.5 hours
More than 1.5 hours
6. What did you learn that was most significant?
7. What content would you add or change?
8. Any additional comments?
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