
1. Please verify your completion of this on-demand course. This question is required to receive contact hour credit.(Required)

2. Please rate this session in terms of speaker's teaching effectiveness.(Required)

4. Please rate how well the speaker met the stated objectives.
4a. Objective 1: Learn about the epidemiology of psychotropic medication utilization and co-occurring psychiatric disorders in ASD.(Required)

4b. Objective 2: Be introduced to guidelines and strategies of pharmacotherapy in children and adolescent with autism.(Required)

4c. Objective 3: Improve their knowledge of medication strategies for treating challenging behaviors and co-occurring psychiatric disorders in ASD.(Required)

6. Did educational sessions contain any commercial bias or influence?(Required)

7. Please rate the level of difficulty in accessing and using this on-demand course.(Required)

9. What is your overall assessment of this on-demand course?(Required)

10. What is your level of experience in health care?(Required)

11. How did you hear about this course?(Required)