Study office: (206) 616-0106 or toll free (877) 616-0106
Feel free to leave messages regarding concerns that can be addressed within 1-business day.
Call us anytime during the study you have an ICD therapy or shock.
After hours emergency
(24-hour pager- 206 416-1556)
Please contact us by pager if you are unable to reach us by phone if you have an ICD shock or your distress level goes up beyond what is normal for you.
Call your care provider if you have any other these symptoms, so he/she can address any problems in a timely manner.
Your Provider’s Telephone Number:
Your Cardiologist: ______________________
Phone Number: ________________________
Electrophysiologist: _____________________
Phone Number: ________________________
**How to contact my provider(s) after hours:
24/7 Access to Study Nurse
If you have a medical question or a concern related to your ICD?
To reach the study nurse 24 hours a day/7 days per week, follow the steps below.
Use this telephone number after 5 pm or weekends and holidays. The toll free number rings directly to Dr. Dougherty’s cell phone.
1. Dial the toll free number from anywhere in the U.S.:
2. If you are asked to leave a message:
State your name clearly
List your area code and telephone number where you want to receive a call back
Hang up and wait for your return call
Expect a call back within an hour or two hours
*Note: If you need to reach the office staff, please call 206-616-0106 or toll free at
1-877-616-0106 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).