On-Demand Programs
April 28, 2022
Cardiovascular Care Update 2020
Cardiovascular Care Update 2020 On-Demand Program Course Description Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease are the number one cause of death in women and men in the United States. Evaluation and management of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease is a challenge that impacts every healthcare practice. This program for healthcare professionals provides an outstanding opportunity for…
Critical Care 2020
Critical Care 2020 On-Demand Program Course Desciption This online program is designed as an introductory, supplemental, or refresher course on issues pertaining to Critical Care Nursing. Sessions focus on Prone Positioning of the ARDS Patient, Hemodynamics, COVID-19 in the Critical Care Setting, and Moral Distress and Resiliency. Teaching methods include video lectures, PDF handouts, and…
Diabetes Update 2020
Diabetes Update 2020 | All Modules On-Demand Program Course Description In all practice settings, clinicians are involved in managing care for patients living with diabetes. Staying informed about the latest research and treatment strategies for glycemic control is essential to help patients achieve maximum health and manage complications. Learning methods include video, PDF handout and case…
Diabetes Update 2021
Diabetes Update 2021 | All Modules On-Demand Program Course Description In all practice settings, clinicians are involved in managing care for patients living with diabetes. Staying informed about the latest research and treatment strategies for glycemic control is essential to help patients achieve maximum health and manage complications. Learning methods include lecture, discussion and case…
Med-Surg 365 | Finding Joy and Meaning in Healthcare Amid Crisis
Med-Surg 365 | Finding Joy and Meaning in Healthcare Amid Crisis On-Demand Program Course Description This module inspires us to find meaning, self-compassion, and insight into our contributions to the field of nursing. Speaker Cheri Constantino-Shor, MSN, RN, CRNI, CMSRN Clinical Nurse Specialist: Behavioral Health and Workplace Violence Prevention, UW Medicine/UW Medical Center-Montlake Campus, Seattle…
Med-Surg 365 | Fluid, Elecrolytes and Acid/Base Balance
Med-Surg 365 | Fluid, Electrolytes and Acid/Base Balance On-Demand Program Course Description This module provides an in-depth overview of the physiologic principles of fluid, electrolyte, and acid/base balance, and clues us into key nursing considerations in discovering and correcting imbalances. Speaker Christine Henshaw, EdD, RN-BC Professional Development Specialist, Virginia Mason, Seattle Objectives for Learning Outcomes…
Med-Surg 365 | The Renal System
Med-Surg 365 | The Renal System On-Demand Program Course Description This module provides training in renal assessment, tips for identifying the causes and clinical manifestations of acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease, and a greater understanding of why every nurse is a kidney nurse. Speaker Nancy Colobong Smith, MN, ARNP, CNN Clinical Nurse Specialist,…
Med-Surg 365 | Wound Care
Med-Surg 365 | Wound Care On-Demand Program Course Description This module reinforces principles of wound assessment and management relevant to the medical-surgical nurse. This module provides a review of the components of a thorough skin assessment, empowering nurses to prevent and care for wounds, document the healing process, and improve patient outcomes. Speaker Colleen Karvonen,…
Med-Surg 365 | Infection Prevention and Control
Med-Surg 365 | Infection Prevention and Control On-Demand Program Course Description This module explores nursing interventions to help us prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections. Speaker Vanessa Makarewicz, MN, RN-BC Infection Control Operations Manager, UW Medicine/Harborview Medical Center; Affiliate Instructor, Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems, University of Washington School of Nursing, Seattle Objectives for Learning Outcomes At the end…
Med-Surg 365 | Sepsis Management
Med-Surg 365 | Sepsis Management On-Demand Program Course Description This module shows us that anyone can get an infection, and any infection can lead to sepsis. By understanding the signs of sepsis and the importance of a rapid response, you are in a position to save lives. This module will also give you tools to…
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